Friday 31 January 2014


Books were my pass to personal freedom. I learned to read at age three, and soon discovered there was a whole world to conquer that went beyond our farm in Mississippi”  Oprah Winfrey

Oprah WInfrey 
I heard those words and it changed my life, never was I the type to pick up a book for anything; I have always used television to explore the world. My mother often told stories of how I was the prefect baby; as the stories would go; she would sit me on the couch in front of the television; do her daily house cleaning and, I would not move or make a sound; oh yes I was a saint! Soon it became my fixation as the years went by; sadly I have no memory of ever being read a book, told a bedtime story, or shown the alphabets outside of school. Some may think I am crazy for saying this, but I would go as far as pretending; television characters were my friends and family members. As a result I isolated myself from other kids in my community; and became lost in my own world. To be honest I don’t remember ever having a fixed bed time, so I would fall asleep and wake up to television; as a result I still need the sound of a television to put me to sleep at night.   

I do remember being introduced to good books in high school like; To kill a Mocking Bird, A raisin In the Sun, Merchants of Venice among others, but while sitting in class all I could think to myself was; where could I get my hands on the movie; by this time reading was defiantly not my thing. After high school I decided to follow my never ending urge to be on television; so I headed off to broadcasting school with one thing in mind which; I eventually accomplished; hosting on the popular television show Fiwi Choice Top Ten Charts, while developing my production skills behind the camera. Thinking back to my first audition; five years ago I remember saying to the interviewers, television is my best friend; they all though that; that was truly sad, but it was my truth; not realizing how surreal that statement was; but no one had a clue of what I had been thought in life; for me just standing in that audition was short of a miracle; all they saw was the cute smile I learn from watching television for years; who knew I had become a stellar actress in my own reality show of life.

One day I will rule the world through television” Shonda Rhimes

Shonda Rhimes
Shonda Rhimes; creator of the television series; Grey’s Anatomy, and recently Sandal blew my mind while watching her exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey; were she told Oprah she use to say; one day I’ll rule the world through television; which was ironic to me, only because at the tender age of thirteen; I stood in front of my bathroom mirror said the very same words to myself. At that moment felt like I had one of Oprah’s ah ha moments; it took me back to a time when; all I could think about was being creative, but something was holding me back; from my true calling; I lacked the writing skills, to express myself effectively; so others could understand my vision; hence TheRoad Show Ja Blogger became self-therapy; as I intend to write until I possess the skills to write an article for such news editorials as the Huffington Post, a book or even a feature film one day.

When you have something to do; life will not allow you to move on until you do it” Iyanla Vanzant

Iyanla Vanzant
I have felt trapped in my mind for a long time; coming alive only; on stage or in front of the camera; trapped because I was set in my ways and one directional using television as my great escape; while living in my own imaginary world not showing the true beauty of my personality. I was holding my own self back from achieving greatness; and something had to give; so I opened a book and left Jamaica for the first time in my life, I picked up a pen and decided to write whatever's on my mind without the fear of ridicule of my spelling or grammar; I chose to face my own fears and become.  Once I took that step the gates of creativity opened wide, I feel like a butterfly breaking from the caterpillars cocoon for the first time ready to fly away, leading me to the creation of my own television Show; Road Show Ja, Road Show Ja radio and starting The Roadshowja Blogger, this is just a tip of the iceberg for me, i still enjoy watching television; but no longer to escape, I choose to be in the presence of my wonderful self now a days, and watch a lot of Super Soul Sunday on OWN. Lookout Jamaica I’m coming; so allow me to reintroduce myself; my name is Debbie Debz and #igotmyeyeonyou.

Writen by: Debbie Debz

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this. Well done Debbie. Reach for the stars
