Sunday 30 March 2014


The multi media forefront for Jamaica has a new power player by the name of Smokin Acez Media Consultants; their model engulfs media/new media, marketing,  development/placement/implementation, advertising, social media//new media monetization, music/product distribution and more. They have become the one spot shop for major corporations, record labels, crowd founders, Investment firms, and more; while consulting for large, PR, advertising and marketing firms in Jamaica.

Smokin Acez is the driving force of such companies as Road Show Ja Tv, giving way to a new breed of Jamaican television programing that is said to provoke the diaspora to engage; by bringing Jamaica to the world and the world to Jamaica. This program is set to be extremely tourist friendly while staying true to Jamaica's culture and popular trends. We were giving a sneak peek of host Debbie Debz sky diving from a plane at 12,500 feet in the air after loosing a friendly bet with a celebrity co-host. The program; will air in late April. You know your doing something right when while in production, and in the early stages of launching any form of social media campaign, and a new blog "The Road Show Ja Blogger". They have gotten the attention of one corporate giants; CEO Don Wehby of one of Jamaica's oldest and most respected brands Grace foods along with the Jamaica tourist broad, Red Stripe, Rumfire, Island Shakes, TVJ, and many more. Who are all following their progress on the social networks adding themselves as friends.

On this day in particular the team hosted talks with Metis Motors CEO Melisia Morgan, and allowed Roadshow Ja Blogger the opportunity to sit in on the meeting, that was both explosive and intriguing to see how one company (smoking Acez Media) could create Synergy between more than one
company to create sales in the market place; we also learned that Metis Motors had joined forces with the new kid on the block CarMax Jamaica setting up a power move in the new car industry, if you are familiar with the CarMax theory, and your a used car dealer be very afraid, or figure out a way to join forces, we asked Smokin Acez reps. what they thought about the metis Motors/CarMax alliance. "its Jamaica at its best co-branding is the way of the world, people will talk about this alliance for years to come; I promise you that; we are now the CarMax way and understand their strategy quit well used cars Is only a start trust me on that one, they will dominate with service with a smile first, with one goal in mind a happy, and revolving customer, this wont get by us so don't be alarmed in the future if you here the Name Smokin Acez along with Metis Motors/CarMax very soon".

We were granted an off the record look at an exclusive client list that was accumulated over space of less than one year; which was very impressive, but one client in particular stood out, and we fought for permission to write on it, but its all hush; hush so we had to ask how was this done so quietly. "We understand what brands want and they are going to get it; with smokin Acez why should a brand spend dollars and cents without a certified return, but it doesn't stop there with all our brand we push for outside interaction with the diaspora to increase distribution and awareness to the brand for a fraction of the internal cost which reflects on the bottom-line. We plan to re-brand Jamaica for the world eventually increasing new cash flow entering the island via tourism, cyber revenues, and much more, this is no joke to us there are too many Jamaicans out of work today; so we choose to play our part in expanding our brands which will in turn increase the work force creating new jobs; while continuing this pattern throughout the Caribbean creating stronger alliances with brands that will take us around the world. We all have Usain Bolt in us, but for some its not quick feet; our brands pay us to think big, and think fast, yet the result is the same; gold".

We then turned to entertainment as we witness staff members grouped around images, and data we didn't know exist of Singer, actress, and model Aisha Davis so we had to get the scoop. "Aisha is like no other she has toured the world 10 time over and now were ready to make her a house hold name starting with her newest single "Free Falling" which shows off her true vocal skills, we have all
original idea for her, and have created brand campaigns that will make her the face of such brands as Christian Beverages Audigier Jamaica; a signature brand that has brought the world famous brands like Ed Hardy, Von Dutch, Diesel and much more, TATA NANO Jamaica, and more to come, we don't believe that an artist should just be a artist, Aisha is a brand, and we have big plans for her,
 we know the industry will be watching, and their in for fire works; if you did not know who Aisha was before this article your in for a surprise. Our doors are open to any company in Jamaica that might need the next big idea, and away to implement it; we plan to change the concept of business as usual, those days are over if we want to see a new revitalized Jamaica it will take all sectors of industry to make it happen so for now we'll wear as many hats as we can. Success is not an option for us its our religion we live by one creed "we brand; brands" and its that simple".

Smokin Acez seems to be more than on the cutting edge, and have plans to launch a new series of products onto the market that; we have been promised the exclusive on for the launch. When these products hit the market we believe it will set off a fire storm with consumers.

Written by
Staff writer; Ashley Dimes

Twitter: Road Show Ja
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Road Show Ja Blogger welcomes Ashely Dimes our newest member to the team. We look forward to more new and exciting stories from her.

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