Saturday 22 March 2014


 It's some times a hard task finding that one thing that makes you go "this is what i want to do with my life"; as many people spend their whole lives trying to find themselves, simply to say they followed their dreams, happily this wasn't the case for Chef Stephen Hamilton owner and founder of Eskay Catering. This young entrepreneur wears many hats, one could be easily fooled in to thinking that he is older than he really is based on his many achievements such as; Trainee Food and Beverage Manger, Assistant Restaurant Manager, Corporate Chef, Executive Chef, and Mentor. Chef Hamilton is "Ready fi di road" as we would say in Jamaica. 

With his incredible love for food; Chef Hamilton takes nothing for granted as he is steadfast on delivering the ultimate food experience to his customers in each bite. 

Yam, Cassava and Breadfruit are some foods that most chefs would toss to the side as they are not considered by most as the tastest veggies on the market, however this is not the same for; as we call him super Chef Hamilton, who will tackle anything head on; he lives in a state of creativity, always considering the taste buds in every delicious creation.

Never afraid of the spot light Chef Hamilton always ready for an interview. Road SHow Ja invaded his kitchen for a one on one and this is what he had to say:

DD: Who is Stephen Hamilton? 

      CH: Stephen Hamilton is a vibrant, and talented individual who is a foodie, a talented chef as well as a role model for the younger generation, fully achieved despite my age.

DD: How long have you been in the catering business?  

CH: I have been in the business from 2008, and made it; officially in 2012 while leaving University of the Technology Jamaica.

DD: What would you consider your greatest achievement so far?    

CH: My greatest achievement so far was being the booked caterer for Mr. Ian Boynes Profile of Excellence Book launch twice at Kings House, catering for the most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller, the governor general and the list goes on. 
DD: When did you discover that you had a love and passion for food?  

CH: At a tender age of seven observing my mother in the kitchen cooking and from that age until now I have been a foodie and love to explore different produces with spices. 

5.    DD:To have a successful business discipline and execution are two very important factors especially in the food industry. How have you at this young age figured out these key elements of success?  

CH: As majority of individuals would say in today’s society “age is just a number” at this age of 26, discipline and execution has been instilled in me at a tender age from home, doing my chores,  school with my assignments and now my own business executing events.   

DD:  For a young entrepreneur what are some of the challenges you have faced in starting your own business? 

CH: It would be a fallacy to say that I didn’t face any challenges starting my own business. Challenges such as capital to buy equipment as well as transportation was very evident during the initial stage.  

DD:  Recently you catered for approximately 4000 people. What does it means to you to have filled such a tall order?  

CH: It means happiness when I see large requests in, as to give patrons a taste of what Eskay catering has to offer, and that after wow effect on their taste buds. It is proper timing, staffing  and customer service as well as skills to effectively execute this event.  

DD: Road show Ja recieved word that you might be heading to Dubai later this year. Tell us how you feel to have received such an invitation? Elaborate. 

CH: WOW this invitation is like winning a million dollars. I have always heard about Dubai of its rich cuisine, high lifestyle… and always wanted to affiliate myself or my brand with such a reputable country. Sitting back and observe as Eskay Catering goes international would be a dream come true, a business that started out of college then to another country.   

DD: Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

CH: Operating my own outlets for Eskay catering, my culinary show with Road Show JA, a product on the market, Recipe book as well as giving back to society 

DD: What is your advice  to young people who want to follow their dreams of becoming a entrepreneur?

     CH: “The day you stop trying is the day you fail at your dreams”. Don’t expect the working world is a bed of roses with media, money etc. You have to work for it and keep your head up high, keep focus and be self driven.  
      DD: You seem to have a passion for what you do. what gives you joy at the end of each job completed?

CH: The comments patrons leave warms my heart to know that they enjoy my creations as well as they are happy within that the customer service is at its utmost best as well as creativity.  

DD:  Most people spend a life time trying to figure out what they want to do in life. what made you decide so young this the career for you?

CH: Time waits on no man. Being a foodie at a tender age and has grown up to appreciate the love for it as well as doing it as a  hobby, speaks volume of the right path to choose. If I had chosen a different path I’m sure I wouldn't be this happy as I am today with my own catering business 

As with most people who choose the life of a entrepreneur Hamilton faced many challenges in the process of building his catering business; however he pressed on to success so we leave you with this; " The day you stop trying, is the day you fail at your dreams" Chef Hamilton; which leaves only one option for this highly gifted young man. Road Show Ja/Smokin Acez is also extremely excited about our newest venture with Chef Hamilton, we will be producing a new cooking series that will be like none before it so brace yourselves. The next time you have a special occasion remember Chef Stephen Hamilton of Eskay Catering. Road Show Ja promises it will be love at first bit.   

Written by Debbie Debz


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