Friday 21 February 2014


POO PUKU POO; POO PUKO POO  these words can only describe them non conforming, out the box creative minds of the Jamaican Dub poets the NO-MADDZ. The group is comprised of four members. Sheldon Shepherd, Everaldo Creary, Chris Gordon and Oneil Peart. When  the world looks at Jamaica today they see Reggae/Dancehall; over the last 40 to 50 year stylings like Ska, rubadub, dub, and spoken word have taken a back seat or have completely disappear from Jamaican popular music; enter stage left the No-Maddz who decided to mix a little of the past with the new entering the arena of Dub poetry. Never have people seen so much talent and energy from one group there stage performance carries a sense of chaos, but their voices synchronize like a team of Olympic synchronized swimmers; giving audiences the wonder of who, what, when, where, and WOW! 

"There's a band called the No-Maddz who are more like theater than a group. They're
actors. It's this whole audio-visual kind of thing. It's different. But they're really good, really talented and really smart." Chris Blackwell (Rolling Stone Magazine April 2013)

It wouldn't be too far fetch to consider these guys musical/theatrical trend setters with their creative approach to visual imagery, an uncompilable stage presence; not to mention the eclectic sounds they masterfully conceptualize; these young men are not just musician, with a flare for sound; their high functional awarding intellectual minds, and their lyrical content, is a testament to it, but who are these Nomadic band of brothers that have captured the attention of the world from this tiny island of Jamaica. To describe the No-Maddz based on their accomplishments and accolades thus far would be a crime as they are a ever evolving group deeply rooted in the presence of there inspiration. Following only musical shape pattern or structures of aof their minds

"We clearing the stocks we taking control out with the flour baby, Breadfruit roll. We taking over this hole bakery, your pudding, cakes and pies are history. trying to find a different recipe, pudding, cakes and pies are history. THE NEW BREAD, BREADFRUITS THE NEW BREAD" No Maddz (Breadfruit the new bread)

The No-Maddz have a saying if it's not live it's dead; these words speaks movement into the mind, there meant to uplift, inspire, or simply let you know your alive. If you've never heard of the No-Maddz your in for a mind stimulating treat, that will absolutely put you in a next level vibe. The No-Madzz are the beginnging and the end of; new world entertainment where even their titled genre of dub poetry will give way to a more empowered reggae music deeply rooting in the souls of our people, the No-Maddz are setting a new standard for Jamaica, and our beloved music, proving the point that musical expression should be of a free nature, showing the would our god giving uniqueness.

We are all No-Madzz of some form with a nomadic sense of artistry, that has transcended the boarders of our country reaching some of the smallest and sometime darkest regions of the world uplifting the lives of others; in close this piece Roadshowja leaves you with the worlds of the Great Robert Nesta Marley "emancipate yourself from mental slavery; none but our selves can free our minds".

Written by Debbie Debz

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