Thursday 27 February 2014


 "WE LIKKLE, BUT WE TALLAWAH" Is a phrase that Jamaicans have used for many years; refering to the size of our country, and the major impact we've had on the world. Let us travel back in time and take a look into Jamaican dancing, Jamaican dancers have been sharing the art form with the world for many decades; from Skanking to the newest dance craze one drop. Dancers like Bogle have been seen on many stages entertaining audiences showcasing his fancy footwork's and skillful hand movements; wacky dip and Bogle are two of the most popular dance moves to have hit big outside of Jamaica both created by Bogle himself. Thanks to acts like Elephant man who have had many international collaborations; one of which includes rapper Lil Jon, with the song "get low" where Elephant man skillfully displayed move after move such as "signal the plain" to "pon di riva pon di bank"; even track and field world record holder Usain Bolt; who is not only famous for burning up the track, but also for his victory dances. Bolt was featured on the Jonathan Ross show in the UK where he showed him a couple of moves such as the "sweep", and "no linga" where they both had a great time on the show.

In this new era of social networking; a viral movement can be spawned at anytime. We have seen people from all walks of life take to the interenet creating videos of our moves for which has gone as far as music videos, movies, international dance competitions such as Dancing with the stars and Americas next dance crew and more. Even Japanese dancers have come to live in Jamaica to study our movements, If your a regular at hot spot like Waddy waddy which maybe considered a rough spot to most you'll see lots of nationalities trying to make their way to the video light to dance on camera for mixtape videos that circulate around the world to 0ver 8 million people a week on youtube; you'd be amazed that they have studied the art form paying their respect with perfection.

The truth is to dance like a Jamaican you have
to feel it from deep with in, because we
dance from a deeply rooted place in our souls with a genuine love for our Reggae/Dancehall music.  

Road Show Ja caught up with professional dancer Kimiko Versatile; Choreographer for a one on one.

DD: What is your view on Jamaican dancing around the world?

KV: Jamaican dancing especially Dancehall is becoming more, and more popular around world as we speak. I've seen an increase in tourism visiting our Dancehall sittings in kingston to see and learn our dance moves. They have also started to book Jamaican dancers for workshops, and shows worldwide.

DD: What is the reception like when you go to other countries and preform?

KV: Everywhere I go people love, and appreciate Jamaican vibrant dances, and culture so much. I represented the Edna Manley College in an Antigan festival in 2007, and we got standing novation for our performance. They explained that we dance with so much passion and energy, and we are real to our Arfo-Centric culture.

DD: We have seen Yendi Phillips have success with her workout video "In the dance Jamaica" where she used the latest dance moves from Jamaica to attract patrons; so with the world going crazy over Jamaican dancing can we expect a dance video from you any time soon?

KV: I have made numerous amount of dance videos, and posted on Youtube, including a video of me dancing when i was six months pregnant. Because of this people are now booking me for dancehall workshops in Russia and Europe. I am sure that ill be posting alot more videos showing our dance culture.

DD: What do think is the main reason why people around the world are so drawn to our style  of dancing?

KV: I think that people are drawn to our type of dancing because of the African feel to it, and the creativity of it. They are also drawn to it because of our music (Reggae and Dancehall) so by them gravitating to our music they have to gravitate to our dances too. Its foreign for most of them and they are excited about the creative and dynamic ways in which we use our bodies to show our art and culture.

The world is watching, and is totally captivated by our every moves let us keep the flag flying high and continue to feed them with our god given creativity.

Written by: Debbie Debz

Friday 21 February 2014


POO PUKU POO; POO PUKO POO  these words can only describe them non conforming, out the box creative minds of the Jamaican Dub poets the NO-MADDZ. The group is comprised of four members. Sheldon Shepherd, Everaldo Creary, Chris Gordon and Oneil Peart. When  the world looks at Jamaica today they see Reggae/Dancehall; over the last 40 to 50 year stylings like Ska, rubadub, dub, and spoken word have taken a back seat or have completely disappear from Jamaican popular music; enter stage left the No-Maddz who decided to mix a little of the past with the new entering the arena of Dub poetry. Never have people seen so much talent and energy from one group there stage performance carries a sense of chaos, but their voices synchronize like a team of Olympic synchronized swimmers; giving audiences the wonder of who, what, when, where, and WOW! 

"There's a band called the No-Maddz who are more like theater than a group. They're
actors. It's this whole audio-visual kind of thing. It's different. But they're really good, really talented and really smart." Chris Blackwell (Rolling Stone Magazine April 2013)

It wouldn't be too far fetch to consider these guys musical/theatrical trend setters with their creative approach to visual imagery, an uncompilable stage presence; not to mention the eclectic sounds they masterfully conceptualize; these young men are not just musician, with a flare for sound; their high functional awarding intellectual minds, and their lyrical content, is a testament to it, but who are these Nomadic band of brothers that have captured the attention of the world from this tiny island of Jamaica. To describe the No-Maddz based on their accomplishments and accolades thus far would be a crime as they are a ever evolving group deeply rooted in the presence of there inspiration. Following only musical shape pattern or structures of aof their minds

"We clearing the stocks we taking control out with the flour baby, Breadfruit roll. We taking over this hole bakery, your pudding, cakes and pies are history. trying to find a different recipe, pudding, cakes and pies are history. THE NEW BREAD, BREADFRUITS THE NEW BREAD" No Maddz (Breadfruit the new bread)

The No-Maddz have a saying if it's not live it's dead; these words speaks movement into the mind, there meant to uplift, inspire, or simply let you know your alive. If you've never heard of the No-Maddz your in for a mind stimulating treat, that will absolutely put you in a next level vibe. The No-Madzz are the beginnging and the end of; new world entertainment where even their titled genre of dub poetry will give way to a more empowered reggae music deeply rooting in the souls of our people, the No-Maddz are setting a new standard for Jamaica, and our beloved music, proving the point that musical expression should be of a free nature, showing the would our god giving uniqueness.

We are all No-Madzz of some form with a nomadic sense of artistry, that has transcended the boarders of our country reaching some of the smallest and sometime darkest regions of the world uplifting the lives of others; in close this piece Roadshowja leaves you with the worlds of the Great Robert Nesta Marley "emancipate yourself from mental slavery; none but our selves can free our minds".

Written by Debbie Debz

Thursday 20 February 2014


Aisha Davis singer, song writer, dancer and actress have truly experienced what it means to have toured the world. This island diva have cover the globe touching exotic lands like Africa, Japan, India, France, Italy, and Egypt, and let’s not forget our neighboring Caribbean islands; giving them a chance to see her in action. The talented young diva has also had the opportunity to share the stage with acts such as; Kymani Marley, Cocoa Tea, Alborosie, Shaggy, Jimmy Cliff, and more; to venues of sometimes more than 200,000 reggae loving fans. In 2012 Aisha killed a particular performance at the Geel Festival in Belgium with the one and only Shaba Ranks exciting fans with her soulful vocals and sexy dance moves.

When not on the road touring the world she spend her free time in the studio working with some of Jamaica's finest producers such as; Tony Kelly, Bobby Digital, Donovan Germaine, Steven 'Lenky' Marsden, Kirk 'Kirkle dove' Bennett, Ward 21 music, just to name a few; if your familiar with this list of super producers you know they only work with the best. Aisha has blessed us with songs like Murder, Say my name, Show me, Critical, Shake it, Love SOS, My loving, Hungry for you, drunk off your love, Someone Loves you honey with Anthony B that was featured on BET, and saw great international success. Aisha has new collaboration hitting the streets soon with none other than Grammy award winner Bounty killer.

With over 5 Million hits to her name on Google, 10 million views on her over all Youtube content; Aisha Davis show no signs of slow down, in this booming cyber market; hopefully her team has capitalize on it by making attempts to harness her content for monetization which will defiantly lead to more download sales. Road Show Ja contacted Aisha for a little Q and A session.

DD: What does it mean to you to be a well-traveled artist?

AD: I feel blessed to be able to travel the world over; sharing my music. It’s an eventual part of the art form, but not everyone is able to travel so I don’t take it for granted. I love to travel and experience new cultures and share mine and my music.

DD: What was it like performing with some of reggae and Dancehall greatest?

AD: It is always great to perform period, but it is humbling to share a stage with some of the greats. It’s an eye opener for things to come and learning experience as well which has helped me to be a better performer.

DD: With more than 10 million views on you tube and 5 million hits on Google what are your plans for the cyber world?

AD: As it relates to the cyber world; I don’t have any plans really except to put out more videos, including live performance videos, and just to keep it real as it relates to Aisha Davis (Island Diva) the brand.

DD: How does it feel like to be a certified sex symbol with all the comments you receive on line?
AD: Wow! Lol! Sex symbol! I won’t lie; it feels good. I take care of myself and keep in shape so when others see; and show their appreciation I feel good because I inspire others to try and do the same. 

Roadshowja would like to say congratulations to Aisha Davis the sexy Island diva; on all her international success we have no doubt that there is many more to come her way.  Keep you eyes and ears out for her, and be sure to follow her on facebook, instagram, and twitter @aishadavismusic. 

Written by: Debbie Debz

Twitter: Road Show Ja
Twitter: Debbie Debz
Facebook: Road Show Ja
Facebook: Debbie Debz
+Google: Road Show Ja Tv
+Google: Road Show Ja

Monday 17 February 2014


There’ s been a resent cry around the world for authentic reggae music. Some have even called it Rasta revival. It seems like when the world has had enough kayos. Reggae seems to grow farther and wider with people seeking inner peace, love, and sometimes the strength to live on. Authentic reggae music is known for its positive vibrations, melodies and words of motivation. Jamaicans like; Bob Marley, Toots Hebbert, Garnet Silk, Maricia Griffiths and many others were instrumental in  keeping reggae on the world stage. Following in the footsteps of these great pioneers; Bryan Art has become a driving force spreading Reggae music around the world. With his mellow vibes and rich sounds; have attracted people of all walks of life.

Bryan Art born and raised in St. Ann, Jamaica was discovered while attending Edna Manley College of the performing arts by George Miller band leader of Fire House Crew who gave him his first real chance at touring as a guitarist and band member. Grateful for the opportunity he would then move on to becoming the co-founder of the Grass Roots band. Bryan Art ingeniously made use of every opportunity that was presented to him in the earlier parts of his career as a reggae artist creating a spot light for himself.

Shining bright as a Singer, song writer, and music teacher Bryan Art could be considered a triple threat. This talented reggae artist have written songs for; George Nooks, Singing Melody, Luciano, Bushman and Etana all of which had major successes here in Jamaica and around the world. Bryan Art had the pleasure of performing on shows like; Rebel Salute, St. Mary Mi Come From, Manchester Fiesta and most recently the internationally acclaimed Jazz and Blues Festival. His musical influences which includes; Bob Marley, Toots Hibbert, Beres Hammond and Al Green have inspired him to produce songs all conveying messages of empowerment which resulted in him touring places like; the United States of America, Europe, and Canada sharing his love for reggae and the Jamaican culture. 

Over the years Bryan Art has stayed true to authentic Reggae music releasing songs like; Get it, Fresh Start, Soon Come Back, and LovePeople; are songs that made him a house hold name by reggae lovers around the world. On his self-titled album Bryan Art had the pleasure of working with some of the world most respected reggae acts; Queen Ifrica, Capleton, and Warrior King which showed the reggae furtunity's ability to join forces. If you've never heard a Bryan Art song be prepared to experience Jamaica at its best.

The world is a safer place with artist like Bryan Art spreading Reggae’s message of peace, love, and equality. This year you’re sure to fine Bryan out on the festival circuit doing his thing. Remember to follow him on facebook, twitter, and instagram to get a more intimate look at his musical journey. Byan is one of few artists that run their social network pages so shoot him a question or two.

Sunday 16 February 2014


Basketball wives LA is back for another exciting drama packed season; returning this season with roadshowja’s beloved Jackie Christie,  the beautiful sister duo of Gloria and Laura Govan, (sexy layssia) Malaysia Pargo, and Model on the move Draya Michele. This season welcomes new faces to the cast  like Sundy Carter,  and Brittish Williams who will surely put a little spice in this season.  RoadshowJa’s own (Mr. Hollywood) Jheri Walker Jr.; will be in the house on Monday 2/17 to give all the highlights of the launch party. Road Show Ja reached out to the “Boss lady” herself Jackie Christie for a one on one with Debbie Debz.  

DD: Coming off a successful season 2 what can fans expect from you this time around?

JC: Wow! They can expect a season of Epic proportions there are new cast members i was blessed to be able to bring onto the show my bestie Sundy Carter, and my lil sis Brittish Williams; believe me these two are bringing it for real! Also in general i feel like this is going to be our best season yet... You do not want to miss it!

DD: Last year we saw lots of drama. Will we see more of the same?

JC: Any time you get a group of woman together especially myself, and two more with tempers you’re going to get some drama! Lol; but you just have to watch the show and find out!

DD: BBW has a large fan base in Jamaica. So we surveyed 100 avid viewers to see what they had to say one question was asked more than others.  Viewers Q: We know you married a basketball player, but how did you keep a basketball ball player at home when other women seem to have a problem doing it? 

JC: “COMMUNICATION IS A HUGE FACTOR, AND MUTUAL RESPECT FOR EACH OTHER IN OUR MARRIAGE”, we are best friends and we satisfy each other’s needs very well :-) lastly he’s a great cook which i love so staying happy and committed is the outcome.

DD: We know you have a new shoe line. What was the inspiration behind it?  And how can your fans in Jamaica and the Caribbean get their hand on a pair?

JC: Thank you! Yes my shoe line is with shiek Shoes, and will be released this spring in 140 stores around the country please follow me on twitter @jackiechristie, instagram JackieChristie, Fb Therealjackiechristie,  website for more updates .

DD: It's no secret you guys renew your vows every year in a ceremony. How many years has it been?

JC: Yes we do and this past wedding was our 18th and we had an amazing wedding in LA stay tuned!

With keeping up with her many themed wedding maybe one day Jackie will consider Jamaica, and one of our beautiful resorts like Couples Resorts, Negril  for a future wedding destinations; we’re sure Jamaica would welcome BBWLA with open arms.  Road Show Ja would like to say thanks to Jackie Christie for taking time out of her busy schedule; as we wish the whole cast; the best this season. Special thanks goes out to our Hollywood team lead by Jrehi Walker Jr. who coordinated this great interview.

Saturday 15 February 2014


When developing a montage, buffer or known to some as the commercial for a television show can be nerve racking, because you are painting a picture of the show that is meant to attract views, recently we came up with the concept to have a major Reggae/Dancehall artist record a song that would appear on our montage, something we were excited about, and the artist was too; in fact the artist was very intrigued by the content that we had created for the show so far, and believed Road show Ja would change the game for Jamaican television programming forever; then in came management, which took a look at the overall extent of the possible viewership (30 million possible viewer); then they decided to charge us an inflated amount of money (J$600,000); when they originally offered their service for free, as we provided exposure to the song. 

We immediately rejected their offer; with our sincerest apologies to the artist, but we will not conform to business models of the past in a free market society; so we pulled our panel together, to have a real conversation of what we’re doing, we created the show for the people and in development we concentrated on the ideals of exposing the best of our Jamaica to the world while exposing the world to our Jamaica; Road Show Show Ja will travel to some of the most exciting places in the world to find our music, culture and most of all our people living aboard, while segmenting into major lifestyle events and awards show like the Grammy’s, the Hip Hop Awards, Nickelodeon’s, Kids Choice awards and many more. So we decided to get back to our basic concept which really helped our team to refocus, and make sure we got this right.

Then it hit us we needed to take a closer look at Jamaica, and Jamaicans, and what better way to sum up who we are; than to take a look at our countries motto "Out of many one people" words that resonates with people around the world, and true essence  of our music (Reggae/Dancehall music). Giving us one of those Debbie Debz “Oprah Ah Ha” moments; we’ll just give the riddim to the world and see what come back from it. If we truly believe in the concept of our show; then this is the way to go.

Now let take it a little further we're instating a worldwide challenge to all musician that sing/Dj in our great genre of Reggae/Dancehall music; to record a full length song using the word “roadshow” in the chorus the concept of the song is left to the artist creativity (no explicit, sexist, or offensive lyric). We will choose two songs and create a challenge were the world will have a chance to vote for the song that makes our montage; we will then choose 21 songs to create a riddim compilation; that will follow giving some artists a platform for exposure and possible sales with RoadshowJa.

To enter send an email to attn: SONG, and we will send you the riddim. Please attach a bio, links to your social networks, and music so we can create a roadshow profile of you for our follower to get to know you. If your not an artist reading this piece please recommend it to someone you may know. Good luck.       

Written By: Debbie Debz 

IG: Roadshowja
IG: Mydebz 

Friday 14 February 2014


The Arsenio Hall Show welcomed Sean Paul last night; also introducing Konshens to the big stage as they performed there collaborated hit  “Want them all” to almost 3 million viewers were Konshens seemed to steal the show with one verse, and lots of energy. Roadshowja takes a deeper look into the possible impact the performance may have on Konshens career. Directly after the show aired the Google search engine was lit up; with over 6 million searches to his name, it had the feel of Tuffy Anderson scoring the winning goal to keep Jamaica in the running to enter world cup last year which caused an international online frenzy for football lovers. It seemed as if the name Konshens echoed around the world in a click; but who is this konshens , and are we witnessing another high selling top charter in the making in the likes of our small diamond selling fertility of Sean Paul and Shaggy. It’s been some time since a Reggae/Dancehall artist  held a dominant position in the commercial market, and who better to take on the task, but Konshens.  

In 2008 Garfield Spence more popularly known as Konshens released his brake out hit single “WINNER” as many Jamaicans took to his style, and lyrical execution, and quickly paid attention to his music. After “Winner” the hits kept coming. He even collaborated with reggae sensation Tarrus Riley on “Good Girl Gone Bad" which took off internationally securing himself as a prominent figure in Dancehalll. In 2010 the Japanese based label Koyashi made Konshens a house hold name in Japan releasing his album “Real Talk” in Japan with great reviews, but it doesn't stop there his popularity has had a steady growth in the European, African, and American markets to name a few.

Konshens wasted no time and made a conscious decision to establish his own label in 2010 “Subkonshus Music” to concrete his presence in the market; as not only an artist, but a young independent CEO; his entrepreneurial spirit also lead him to launch his own shoes line in 2013 called Konz876 which show signs of success. Who know were the Konshens train is headed, but all signs lead to success. We at roadshowja implore you to keep your eyes on Konshens as he continues to make a for himself in the music industry.

Written by: Debbie Debz

IG: Mydebz/roadshowja

Wednesday 12 February 2014


Sophia Brown
Sophia Brown maybe considered one of the hardest working artist in the reggae/Dancehall industry, show casing her work around the world in such places like, Dubai, Israel, France, Australia, Italy, and many more; rocking festival crowds of over 100,000 people.  For over a decade Sophia have wowed us with songs like; Catch me if you can, Tonight is the night, Give me the good love, Love you Pure, I’m a rose, and Weak to you. Receiving great review from radio stations, and fans around the world; In 2009 she was nominated for an EME Awards for "best new female artist”; then in 2013 she was nominated for Irawma awards for her internationally renowned compilation “Reggae in motion”.

After “catch me if you can” found itself in the top 25 preliminary rounds to be nominated for the “Reggae album of the year” Grammy Award in 2013, Sophia’s team has been determine to get the Grammy nomination now more than ever, So they wasted no time dropping two new singles “Sugar Cane” and “Touch Me”; following suite with a video for “Touch Me”; which they premiered on Jamaica’s hottest entertainment channel; Hypetv where they plan to gun directly at Jamaica and the diaspora as a whole; with plans to take it on the road leaving no stone upturned, and road Show Ja will be watching closely. Both singles will be distributed by Zojack and made available on ITunes

We caught up with Sophia to see what she thought of 2013, and what she has in store for 2014? “2013 was a good year for me musically; extending the brand Sophia brown in a good way leading into the New Year 2014 kicking off with two new singles touch me and sugar cane. The video for touch me is getting all the attention I hoped that it would receive; so for 2014 more new music, more new videos; as I continue to work on a new album, and I look forward to fulfill all the performances that I have scheduled”. Sophia Brown.

Road Show Ja wishes Sophia Brown all the best for 2014 and remind fans to follow  her on, facebook, twitter, and other social network sites.  

Writen by: Debbie Debz 

IG: Roadshowja
IG: Mydebz

Tuesday 11 February 2014


The stage was set kiprich; ready for war; he  looked into the crowd and commanded their respect; as if he was the Don gagon himself ready to take Sting for another year. Unbeknownst to him Black Ryno had a different idea of how the night would go down, and once he touch the stage the crowd knew this would be a night to remember; in the space of three exchanges Ryno had stolen the crowd leaving kiprich in dismay, but he would not go down without a fight. Ryno stayed on the attack until the crowd named their victor; Black Ryno. Sting 2012 may not have worked out in his favor, but he returned to Sting 2013 with blood in his eyes and slayed the returning champion leaving him wondering what hurricane just pass through; Ryno showed jam world that he is indeed the stinger; clutching to his new belt, as if this was only the beginning. 

Ryno seems to be at the top of his game; and Road Show Ja is sure that he has many challengers; looking to make a name for themselves in the industry headed his way. One of which is newcomer Gage who has been trying his best to gain Ryno's attention; Gage in a recent interview on ER called Black Ryno the “Dancehall Football”; Road Show Ja reached out to Ryno to see; if he had a response; Rhino said “Gage is a good artist, but is no match for my wittiness, and tends to live in Tommy Lee’s shadow”. We may have to wait till Bring the sting 2014 to see if Gage gains any momentum with Ryno or will his shots become the echos of his own voice as it did with Tommy Lee. 

Black Ryno is ready to attack 2014 with no mercy; he recently released two new singles; Blessing, and Bicycle; of which he recently shot a video for Blessing, that will be hit television very soon. So make sure you follow Black Ryno on; YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Road show Ja will be watching as the year progresses keeping you in the know #igotmyeyeonyou.
Writen By: Debbie Debz

IG: Mydebz
IG: Roadshowja

Sunday 9 February 2014


Yes Jamaica; the Magnum Kings and Queens of Dancehall is fully charged  for another exciting season. The objective of MKQ is to discover, encourage and showcase talent to aspiring Dancehall artists. It incorporates Dancehalls fashion, lifestyle and the best of Jamaica’s culture. There may be no greater platform with the ability to launch a dancehall artist career in Jamaica, and with MKQ’s popularity growing abroad the diaspora gets a chance to watch the making of a star.

 Participants enter for a chance to win a recording contract, and a cash prize of $ 1,000,000.00  but most of all MKQ is giving Dancehall artist a chance at a career in a 3 billion dollar (US) a year Reggae/Dancehall market where artist such as Shaggy, Sean Paul, and many more have toured the world, and seen diamond selling (more than 10 million copies sold) success. The weekly Fashion Segment returns this season with a people’s choice cyber challenge; known as; “the designer fan competition” giving fans a chance to win $50,000 at the end of the season.

Magnum Kings and Queen Team
With six successful seasons under the belt, and season seven (lucky 7) hitting the airwaves with a bang the Wray and nephew brand Magnum seem to be growing along with the show as viewership seeps over sea creating more demand for Magnum Tonic Wine and other Wray and Nephew products. This season kicked off with the annual talent search for Jamaica’s undiscovered talents; from Sav-la-lamar to Kingston, encountering massive lines of people at every stop ready to give their all for a shot on the hit television show, but first they had to make it through the judges; who had to go through thousands of  contest to find 28 hopefuls to form; teams; castle red and castle blue.

Yanique Barrett
Season seven returned with the host with the most Yanique Barrett also known as the curvaceous diva who seems to be back with a new fire in her eyes. Since Yanique took over the hosting position at MKQ ; she has gained a permanent place in hundreds of thousands of homes across  the country and abroad, the fired up host recently took to her video blog to give fans an intimate behind the scene look at what to prepare for; on MKQ season seven, and fans have responded to her with over 350,000 view across Youtube on her must resent post; with 70% of those view coming from outside of Jamaica, ladies and gents our Yanigue seems to becoming a brand of her own; I think we will be seeing big things from the curvaceous diva in time to come.

Magnum Kings and Queens Judges
The judges are back with world renowned producer Scatta Burrell, one of the most talented lyricist to come out of Dancehall Professor Nuts, and the ultra-diva, Miss. Kitty; the boss lady juggles her time as a Digicel ambassador, host of the hit radio program “Mss kitty Live” on Nationwide 90FM and link up radio;  returning with a slimmed figure to die for, but don’t be confused by the new fizzeek Miss Kitty is not one for the faint at heart some may say she rival; Simon Cowell of American idol with her blunt approach of giving contents the truth with no mercy “step on her stage at your own risk". MKQ also welcomed a new cast member, Dayne “Chike” Morrison who will be holding down Digicel Di Endz ready to recap with artists after their performances.
Last night Castle red; delivered some excellent performances, and Road Show Ja enjoyed every bit of it; while sipping on a couple cold glasses of magnum; our team took to twitter , and facebook; with hashtagged highlights like; Hummy Bling hitting the stage with (#readyfidead), but then he forgot is lyrics, Tassy Diva’s digicel endz moment with Chike giving us a new hashtag (#cripcrip), The Vybz Twinz took the stage as (#teamred) dropping (#dontmakanoise) and Professor Nuts followed up with (#crankitup), but Perdo Don gave it to the crowd with “Mi waah upgrade from grata to blenda”; bringing Miss. kitty to her feet with a (#lalalalala), and  Candy K’ told Magnum (#magnumsimiyah). The night left us wondering who will be back next week so in the words of Pedro Don the resumes are in let’s see who gets the job..

So be sure to tune in to the Magnum Kings and Queens of Dancehall on TvJ every Saturday night at 9:30 pm; follow them on facebook, twitter, and instagram, and don’t forget to hashtag (#MKQ) to post your comments about each show and for live highlights follow Road Show Ja on facebook, twitter, Instagram, and Bedloo. Wray and Nephew has always been a brand of the people, entertainment, and having a responsibly good time so hit the social networks and express yourself.

Friday 7 February 2014


We at Road Show JA are excited to introduce our newest ambassadorship “Island Shakes and Eskay Catering” brands built to tickle your tummies. If you’ve ever had a milkshake fancy that had to be fulfilled than Island Shakes is for you, but wait there a forbidden twist there’s alcohol, yes a milkshake with a buzz, and fans of island Shakes pure into Quad night club in New Kingston every Friday to get their sweet fix; with ingredients like; Oreo , Black forest, Cappuccino, Espresso, Cheesecake, Cotton candy, and more; infused with a little tipsy we can see why, so go get your happiness in a cup.

If you think that’s it your wrong Island Shake is mobile and will shake up your corporate  events, weddings, Birthday parties (kids party include non-alcoholic beverages), and even large concert, but we have another twist lets throw Eskay Catering into the mix and make your event something to remember; having Eskey chiefs at any event will give your guest/patrons a food orgasm that they won’t forget. The already famous Eskay Catering have done it all, and together with Island shakes offers a new experience that is certain to get Jamaica talking.

Roadshow Ja encourages food and drink adventurers who have a appetite for great and exciting taste to try Island Shakes, and Eskay Catering and tell us about it on twitter. Don’t forget to check in with us from time to time as were on the move and in March, 2014 you’ll also be able to find Island Shakes at the Ambassadors lounge on old Hope Road in Kingston. New hashtags #iamaislandshaker #eskayfoodbullies

Written by:Debbie Debz

Thursday 6 February 2014


His fans call him the youngest, and the baddest, ladies Dancehall is about to have a new face by the name of alkaline. It’s time to pay close attention to this one; his marketing, has been surrounded by his free expression and he is not letting up. The last time we at Road Show Ja have seen young women respond to an artist in Jamaica like this; was with the King himself Beenie Man, but Alkaline seems to be growing in his own space and time. The confident with a humble undertone; alkaline caught our attention so Road Show Ja took to the streets to survey what fans had to say, and out of 300 people; one comment the ladies had in common was Alkaline is the Chris brown of Jamaica (without the issues); which lead us to believe there’s a bigger story here.

Recently Alkaline promoted and headlined his own show; and the ladies showed up, to bruck out; we’ll leave you to Youtube to see it for yourself. Sky is the limit for this young artist. There’s no doubt it’s just a matter of time before the world comes knocking, and they will. We decided to do some fact checking to see how big his fan base was, and where better to look than the social networks; where we found he had 27.9 million view to his content across Youtube , 20  million hits to his name on Google, 2 million hits to his various hashtags; with a presence on Facebook, and Twitter; numbers are worth its weight in goal; just in monetization, and content harnessing; where looking at a possible $600,00.00 US dollar without counting sales from download, yes impressive numbers for a young artist in this market.

Earlier this week; the alkaline camp was shaken up by the departure of his manager, but the fire has already been lit, and both will go on to bigger and better things. Some may not agree with most of his lyrics, and apparently trend setting styling’s, but you can’t deny that he has something special, questions has lingered for some time about his tattooed eyes, here’s a spin that you might find interesting; it’s been said your eye are the gateway to your soul, and in some cultures covering the eyes is a form of protection from evil or simply evil minded people; we've even heard mixed views about his tattoos of choice, and I reiterate his choice; yet tattooing has been part of African warrior culture from the beginning of time. We say loosen up people, and dig a little deeper finding another level of consciousness, and allow this young artist to evolve.

We have a gut feeling there is more here than meets the eye; so road show Ja will go out on a line and throw our endorsement behind the young warrior. We understand one thing; numbers don’t lie, and the more exposure he gets the more powerful he become play apart in his evolution,  and be careful not to jump to unfounded Judgments. Road Show will be watching closely; don’t be surprise if Alkaline become the artist to bring Reggae/Dancehall back to the Grammy stage.

Come over baby look inna mi eyes; love is pain, but you hafi try, do what eva mak you happy yeah you bring joy inna mi life” Alkaline

Written by: Debbie Debz